Monday, April 2, 2007

April Fools

As you all know, April Fool's Day was yesterday. In memory of this occasion, I thought it would be fun to make a post about April Fool's Day.

While wandering the net, I came across this list of April Fool's Day pranks. I haven't read all of the pranks yet (nor do I intend to). However, just off the top page, some of them show how incredibly naive some people are.

For example, in the no. 1 prank, the BBC show Panorama broadcast that Swiss farmers were having a bumper crop of spaghetti - this broadcast was accompanied by footage of farmers pulling spaghetti out of trees. Apparently, huge numbers of viewers were taken in. Yeah... Not much I can add to that really.

Whenever, I see pranks like the above, I always think, people nowadays are too smart to fall for something like that. I mean, that broadcast was in 1957 - probably at a time when people were less savvy and more gullible. Then I read prank no. 8.

In 1998, Burger King announced a new left handed whopper (for the 1 in 10 people who are left-handed). The left handed whopper would contain exactly the same ingredients - the only difference would be that the vegetables would be rotated 180 degrees to match left handed people. And again, the unwashed masses fell for it.

I wish I could say it was funny. Instead, it just seems sad.

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