Wednesday, August 29, 2007

negative review = assault, libel and slander

Not quite sure what to say to this one.

Basically, Stuart Pivar wrote a book (or two). That book was very negatively reviewed by PZ Myers. This results in Pivar filing a lawsuit equating that review to assault, libel and slander.

I had a look at the reviews. To be honest, most of it was beyond my understanding. However, from the little I did understand, it seemed like Myers justified his negative review of the book. On the face of it, it looks like Pivar is disconnected from reality and is just being a jerkass loser.

Normally, in this situation, I would think that there must be more to this than meets the eye. There must be more than those reviews which are causing Pivar to lodge the lawsuit. However, considering the history of frivolous lawsuits in America, I'm not so sure.

As a blogger myself, I hope this gets laughed out of court (with all court costs being borne by Pivar naturally!).

Monday, August 27, 2007

Video blogging

Blogger now has a new tool called video blogging. To commemorate this occasion, I decided to try it out by uploading a video of Gerry!

Anyway, this video is taken at the Airport in June. We had gone there to check out the new Terminal 2 and while there, let Gerry have some fun running around. This video was taken using my old (and now deceased) Canon.

To be honest, I could have done the same thing in the past by getting a YouTube account and then putting an embedded link here (like the machinima videos I had before). However, this way is actually a lot easier (which admittedly is the main selling point) as I can upload directly into Blogger.

PS The guy laughing like a moron in the background is me.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

A Kuala Lumpur weekend

woot woot - I'm off to Malaysia tomorrow!

My favourite cousin is getting married and the reception is in Malaysia on Saturday. In order to be there on time, I am taking a half day off work tomorrow in order to take the afternoon flight to KL.

I have to say, I'm really looking forward to this. My dad arrived in HK a couple of days ago and my brother will be going to KL directly from Singapore. Basically, another chance for a family reunion.

Besides, I owe my brother a brownie and this will be my chance to pay off my debt. And I always settle my debts (in ominous sounding voice!).

Monday, August 20, 2007

Happy days are here again


You may recall that I previously mentioned that I had stopped playing badminton as the club I was playing in was too full. Well, lucky me. There is now an opening (and I didn't even have to break any legs!) in the club and I will start playing again tomorrow.

I can't wait. Badminton has always been my first sporting love. And you know what they say about first love!

Anyway, if you like seeing me in pain (and I can't for any reason imagine why that would be), then I suggest you check in again on Wednesday. Considering how little exercise I generally do, and the fact that I played a bit of squash tonight, I expect that my muscles will be feeling the burn come Wednesday night.

So for all you sadists out there - mark your calendars!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Roy Pearson files appeal

I can't believe this guy - he actually filed an appeal!

For those of you who don't know what happened, Roy Pearson is a judge. Sometime ago, he went to his local dry cleaner, a family business run by the Chungs (from Korea I think) to get his trousers altered for approx US$10. The Chung's lost his trousers. After complaining about this, he decided to sue the Chung's ... for US$65 million (although he did graciously lower the requested damages to US$54 million - what a guy!).

And no I didn't make a typo. The numbers you see above are correct.

Luckily, he lost his court case. I wish I could say "Naturally" - however, I don't have enough faith in the US legal system to go that far (j/k!)! Anyway, as a result of this court case, there is a very real chance that he will lose his job. Basically, his frivolous lawsuit raised questions about his judicial temperament.

I would have thought this was a sure indication that his lawsuit was ill-advised. However, the plonker has decided to file an appeal. In doing so, he has rejected the olive branch offered by the Chung's. The Chung's had offered to withdraw the demand that he settle their legal fees in excess of US$80,000 on the proviso that he not lodge an appeal (this may sound suspicious, but bear in mind that the dry cleaners apparently received a chunk of cash from donations to help with their legal costs).

So basically, in lodging this appeal, he is probably going to wrack up well over US$100,000 in legal costs (and lets face it, does anyone see him winning this court case?). Considering he may lose his job, this is not what you would call chump change.

The problem is that the real loser may end up being the Chung's. If Roy Pearson loses his job, then there is a real possibility that he won't be able to pay the legal costs of the Chung's (during the trial, Roy also complained about having financial difficulties as well). If he can't pay the legal costs, then it means that the Chung's, in addition to wasting their time, are going to have to bear the legal costs of this frivolous suit themselves (unless they can get enough money from donations to cover the cost, but lets face it - relying on donations for others is not what you would call sound financial planning!).

Despite this, I sincerely hope that Judge Roy Pearson loses his job and ends up poor, destitute and homeless (hopefully with people spitting on him as they walk past - scum like him fully deserve to be treated like the piece of trash they are). I can't wait for the day when I can say "Roy Pearson was a judge".

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Intercourse and Intelligence

Another great article for you - this time on the relationship between intercourse and intelligence.

Based on a survey population of teenagers, the basic gist of the article is that the more intelligent you are, the less sex (and kissing) you will get. Which actually makes a lot of sense. Look at Einstein - considered one of the great geniuses of his time but I just can't picture a line of foxy chicks beating down his blackboard. In fact, I can't think of any example of someone who was considered extremely smart and also extremely handsome. Can you?

Near the end, it points out that testosterone may depress IQ. However, people with more masculine bodies (and by association more testosterone) also have a higher chance of banging more broads. Which really raises a very troubling question - how do I raise Gerry? Do I encourage him to study more and be more of a bookworm? Or should I encourage him to do more exercise and get more girls?

Actually, this isn't much of a choice. Somehow, as he's casting off his numerous girlfriends, I doubt he will remember to thank me for raising him (say by sending a nubile young castoff in my direction!). On the other hand, if he becomes a bookworm and makes lots of money, at the very least, he can afford to put me in a really nice old persons home!

One last point.

Based on the amount of sex I got (or rather didn't get) as a teenager, I must be the worlds most brilliant genius. Bow before me peons!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Honey, I'm Home!

Hoozah - I managed to make it home today!

This is a bigger deal than you would realise as it is actually a number 8 thunderstorm in HK at the moment. In fact, the missus was afraid that I would have to stay the night in Shanghai while the storm passed. Luckily, I this wasn't necessary.

The funny thing is that I had no idea it was a number 8 thunderstorm until I got into HK. You see, I left the office in Shanghai at 12:30 (when it was still just a number 3) and had lunch before going straight to the airport. In fact, we were discussing the number 3 thunderstorm over lunch and wondering whether it would get upgraded!

Having said that, I should have guessed when the plane came in for its landing. The landing was a lot bumpier than usual.

Anyway, I'm now safely ensconced at home. :)

The best thing is that Gerry gave me lots of kisses when I got home! So happy to see him again!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Remote blogging

As you know, I am currently in Shanghai - which makes it really difficult to manage my blog. The problem is that blogs are blocked by the company so I can't access my blog from my work PC. Basically, the only way I can access my blog if I'm on the road is if I goto an internet cafe - which I have no intention of doing as I need to save money.

So how am I writing this blog entry?

Luckily, blogger is quite a good service in that it allows me to blog via e-mail. I believe I mentioned this before - unfortunately, I can't check as I don't have access to my blog :p. By sending my blog entry to a particular email address, it will automatically post the entry onto my blog. Pretty groovy right?

Of course, the downside to this is that even though I can create new blog entries, I can't check my blog for comments. I call this a downside but in practice, its not such a big deal as my blog isn't exactly inundated with witty repartee....
(and yes, I'm blaming you for that :p)

The real downside is that I can't use any of the more advanced functionality of blogger. For example, I can't fiddle with the font or create hyperlinks to interesting articles. I also can't post photos or videos (new function in blogger beta allows video blogging).

Its funny, but I never realised how good the blogger system is until I was forced to blog via email ala today. I guess its true what they say - you never appreciate something until you are forced to make do without it.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Hotel Policy

I will be traveling to Shanghai tomorrow. Which will be the first time in several months. I used to travel every month but recently haven't been up as things have been really busy in HK. Anyway, work is calming down a bit so I figured it was time to make a trip up to Shanghai and follow up some of the projects which I started a couple of months ago.

To be honest, I'm really not looking forward to the trip this time. My company recently made a big deal out of its hotel policy. In the past, whenever I travelled to Shanghai, I would stay at the Equatorial. It wasn't a great hotel but at least it was clean and close to the office.

Unfortunately, even the Equatorial (at just over RMB800 per night) is too good a hotel for me now. The company hotel policy expressly provides that Senior Managers and below have to stay at 3 or 4 star hotels in China and in fact, they have a list of hotels which they have corporate discounts with hence we have to stay at one of these hotels.

Instead of the Equatorial, I will be staying at Jin Jong Jin Jiang - at least, I think thats how its pronounced. I couldn't find a website for the hotel so I'm not really sure (I got laughed at for thinking that a 3 star hotel in China would have a website - so naive!). I have no idea what it will be like although I'm not expecting much (room rate of just under RMB500 per night). However, I suspect that the quality of the hotel won't be the major issue for me.

What really worries me is transportation. In the past, I used to walk to the office from the hotel and back again. However, one time, it was raining heavily so I had to take a taxi. There is a taxi queue outside the hotel so I went down and queued up there - patiently waiting for my taxi.

One hour later, I was still waiting. The problem isn't that there weren't any taxis - it was that there weren't enough taxis. Even after an hour, I still hadn't managed to get to the front of the queue.

By that time, the rain had dropped off a bit so rather than continue to wait - I just decided to walk back to the Equatorial in the rain (10 minute walk). Got back to the hotel, changed my clothes and took a shower - no big deal.

However, that option is no longer open to me. Now, I will have to continue to wait (I've been told that waiting times of 2 hours are not uncommon). And this is very likely to happen as the weather forecast for Shanghai predicts thunderstorms.

As I said, I am really not looking forward to this trip - or future ones.

Friday, August 3, 2007

I need a camera (part 2)

A couple of days ago, I mentioned that I needed a new camera. Since then, I've been doing a little research into available models and unfortunately, the position doesn't look good.

The problem is that the camera's I have used in the past all use Compact Flash. This means that I have a stack of Compact Flash cards which I would really like to reuse. However, looking at the available camera's in the compact and ultra compact range, the last camera that I could find that uses CF was made in 2004.

So what are my options?

Well, I can either buy a big SLR which uses CF. However, I really don't want to do this as I wouldn't know how to use most of the functions. Plus, I'm looking for a relatively small camera that I can easily carry around. Whenever we go out, in addition to my own stuff, I'm also carrying all of my wifes stuff plus all of Gerry's stuff plus the stroller. If I have to carry a heavy camera as well, I will probably go mad!

I could buy an older model digital camera. However, the gadget-boy in me really isn't very happy with buying "old" tech. I wanna be hip and trendy!

The final option is to cough up the cash, buy a new model compact and some new memory cards. The problem with this approach is that I am meant to be saving money at the moment - not splashing out on gadgets and accessories.

What can I do!!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Die you corrupt official! (part 2)

I recently blogged about how China seems to be taking corruption very seriously. And indeed, getting a death sentence is pretty serious.

However, as with all things, its never truly serious until you have a computer game about it. And sure enough, here you are.

I'm not sure why, but I find this game truly awesome. Not in the sense that its a good game (I've never played it nor do I intend to) but in the sense that I love the concept. How can you not - wander around China killing bikini clad mistresses, corrupt officials and their families. Who wouldn't enjoy it!

One thing which stands out in this game is that you get to kill the children of the corrupt official as well. Leaving aside all arguments about whether the family should suffer for the sins of the father, this is a really interesting move. Basically, all games developed in the West do not allow you to kill children. If they did, there would be a huge political uproar - "think of the children!!".

So how come this game allows you to kill children? Are chinese people more enlightened than westerners in this regard in that they know this is just a game? Or are chinese people ignorant of the possible ramifications of "encouraging" people to kill children?

What do you think?