Friday, August 3, 2007

I need a camera (part 2)

A couple of days ago, I mentioned that I needed a new camera. Since then, I've been doing a little research into available models and unfortunately, the position doesn't look good.

The problem is that the camera's I have used in the past all use Compact Flash. This means that I have a stack of Compact Flash cards which I would really like to reuse. However, looking at the available camera's in the compact and ultra compact range, the last camera that I could find that uses CF was made in 2004.

So what are my options?

Well, I can either buy a big SLR which uses CF. However, I really don't want to do this as I wouldn't know how to use most of the functions. Plus, I'm looking for a relatively small camera that I can easily carry around. Whenever we go out, in addition to my own stuff, I'm also carrying all of my wifes stuff plus all of Gerry's stuff plus the stroller. If I have to carry a heavy camera as well, I will probably go mad!

I could buy an older model digital camera. However, the gadget-boy in me really isn't very happy with buying "old" tech. I wanna be hip and trendy!

The final option is to cough up the cash, buy a new model compact and some new memory cards. The problem with this approach is that I am meant to be saving money at the moment - not splashing out on gadgets and accessories.

What can I do!!!


Anonymous said...

Doesn't your old Canon use SD ram? Mine did - I've been through a few generations of them too, so I think I've had the 430 series...


Jokemeister said...

I recall you used to have the Ixus 400 - not sure if you ever had the 430. I think there isn't much difference between those models anyway.

In any event, the 430 definitely uses CF. I am 100% sure cos I have a stack of CF cards.

Anonymous said...

You must feel happy that you don't carry Gerry as well......

Jokemeister said...

You have no idea!

Having said that, I do carry him sometimes as well...