Sunday, April 6, 2014

Getting back to nature

At last!  Some more photos!

In my defence, we don't actually take as many photo's as we used to.  The days of us taking random photos of the kids walking down the street are long gone.  Nowadays, we tend to only take photos if we have a specific function.

In this particular case, we went to a farm.

Testing out the macro on my camera

Testing the macro on a live subject!

Does anyone have a holy hand grenade?

For some strange reason, I keep expecting to see Rod Hull

Gerry is aware of the camera - everyone else is focused on the onrushing tank...
In case you are wondering, the trip to the farm was actually part of a school trip hence the number of other young kids and the scouts uniform.

Gerry - making his getaway

Sunday, March 2, 2014

A relaxing CNY

In addition to the Chinese New Year show that Gerry got involved in, we actually took some time just to relax and play.  Didn't go anywhere special but we did spend some time in various playgrounds!

Lift off!

Mummy also getting in on the act!

Kinda surprised the swing didn't break...

I have no idea what Gerry is doing here.

Ice cream!  Everything is better with ice cream :)

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Gerry and the New Year Parade

Chinese New Year in Hong Kong is normally pretty good in terms of its atmosphere.  There is a big new years parade and this year, Hong Kong brought in a lot of people from other countries to bring a multicultural flavour to the parade.

However, what made the parade this year special was that Gerry was in it!

Gerry along with some of his classmates in the drum band


Turning to face the crowd...

... before marching away
fyi - pictures are a little fuzzy as they were taken off the TV.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Gordon and the birthday party

Kung Hei Fat Choy!  Gung xi fa cai!  Happy New Year!

Well, it didn't take me long to break my new years "resolution" to post every week.  With that said, I am Chinese so arguably, it wasn't the new year yet!

Anyway, after the success that we had with Gerry's birthday cake, we decided to do a repeat for Gordon's birthday.

Gordon is now five years old

The birthday boy!

Now officially old enough to help cut the cake

Nom noming on the chocolate smiley
Also, he may be five years old now, but he is still a baby...

awww - so cute

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Gerry and the Birthday Party

Gerry is now 8 years old.  Yeah, really.

To celebrate his eighth birthday, we threw a small party with a personalised cake.

The cake - topped with lots of chocolatey goodness!

The birthday boy ...

... helping to cut the cake
In the above picture, we have taken all the various chocolate pieces off the cake.  This makes it easier to cut but does leave it a little bare.

Somehow, most of the chocolate ended up on Gerry's plate.  Not sure how that happened.

Gerry smiles despite wanting to hurry up and eat the cake.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Gordon's Christmas show

Back in January, Gordon's school put on a show for the parents.  This is something they do every year and as with prior years, we took some time off work to go see the show.

The kids all lined up and ready

Pictures with the stars

I even managed to get a picture with Gordon!
And a random picture with one of his friends

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Windsor country home

Wow - can't believe that we are already in 2014.  2013 really flew by which in many ways is sad, primarily as acknowledging that makes me feel old.  :(

Anyway, after receiving some more complaints from my dad about not posting enough pictures on this blog, I have decided (once again) to continue beating this old horse to see if it can be revived or whether it is in fact dead.  I guess time will tell...

So, to start off, I figured that I would post some sunny pictures for two reasons.

Firstly, its been bloody cold in Hong Kong lately so some sunny pictures will hopefully take my mind off the cold.

Secondly, I actually uploaded these pictures after my trip to the UK last year.  I thought I had scheduled the publication of them but alas, it appears I hadn't done so.  As such, here are some more pictures of my "recent" trip to the UK.

This is one of the hotels we stayed in while we were in England

It had a giant garden which we were able to explore

The kids relaxing in the lawn ...

... before going wild with the giant chess set.

My attempt to recreate the PR photo which attracted us to this hotel in the first place