Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Intercourse and Intelligence

Another great article for you - this time on the relationship between intercourse and intelligence.

Based on a survey population of teenagers, the basic gist of the article is that the more intelligent you are, the less sex (and kissing) you will get. Which actually makes a lot of sense. Look at Einstein - considered one of the great geniuses of his time but I just can't picture a line of foxy chicks beating down his blackboard. In fact, I can't think of any example of someone who was considered extremely smart and also extremely handsome. Can you?

Near the end, it points out that testosterone may depress IQ. However, people with more masculine bodies (and by association more testosterone) also have a higher chance of banging more broads. Which really raises a very troubling question - how do I raise Gerry? Do I encourage him to study more and be more of a bookworm? Or should I encourage him to do more exercise and get more girls?

Actually, this isn't much of a choice. Somehow, as he's casting off his numerous girlfriends, I doubt he will remember to thank me for raising him (say by sending a nubile young castoff in my direction!). On the other hand, if he becomes a bookworm and makes lots of money, at the very least, he can afford to put me in a really nice old persons home!

One last point.

Based on the amount of sex I got (or rather didn't get) as a teenager, I must be the worlds most brilliant genius. Bow before me peons!

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