Thursday, March 29, 2007

I live a sheltered life

Despite the fact that I should be working right now, something happened last night which I just have to get down in writing before I forget. What happened last night has never happened to me before in my thirty somethings years of life (hey, I live a sheltered life) - so you can understand why I am typing this blog when I should be working and why I am typing it today instead of tomorrow.

As I mentioned yesterday, I am back in Beijing. Last night, after dinner, I headed straight back to the hotel. This was around 9:00pm at night so it wasn't very late.

Just as I got to the entrance of the hotel, I noticed out of the corner of my eye, a woman approaching me. I'm guessing she was going to ask me for directions. For some reason, everywhere I go, people like to ask me for directions. I have no idea why this is the case - maybe I have a wise face?

Before I actually get to her, she mumbles something which I couldn't hear. To be honest, I couldn't be bothered explaining to her that I wasn't familiar with BJ (as I said before, my mandarin is v poor) so I just said to her in English, "Sorry, I don't understand". I figured this would make her realise I wasn't local.

However, she immediately switched to English and said "oh, you no speak China". Admittedly, not great English but I did understand her meaning. Considering its a foreign language to her, its impressive that she can speak it at all.

Anyway, she then pulls out a business card and says to me "if you need a girl, call me"...

I swear to God, she had an actual business card!! I still have trouble dealing with this. I mean, what next - an IPO listing?!

Anyway, for suspense, I will stop the story here and not tell you what I did next.

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