Monday, March 12, 2007

Portable Power

Nowadays, I tend to do a lot of traveling. In the past, my business trips were mainly to Shanghai once a month. However, in future, I will also need to travel to Beijing more regularly.

Although this has its upside, there are certain undeniable downsides. Of course, the obvious one is that I get to spend less time with Gerry (Its amazing how much I miss him even though I only travel for a couple of days at a time - just look how cute he is with his little biscuit!).

The other downside is that I have to carry multiple multiple power adaptors for all the different gadgets that I use. In addition to being a pain to carry all that extra baggage, it also raises the risk of me accidentally losing one of my adaptors.

The last time I was at the airport, I had some spare time so spent some time wandering around the shops. I came across a portable power adaptor. Basically, its a rechargeable battery that you can use to recharge other gadgets (you can find a sample power adaptor here). If I buy one of these, I no longer need to carry so many adaptors around with me when I travel. The problem is cash. These things cost around HK$400-HK$600. Although not expensive, its enough to put a dent in my wallet.

So here's the crux - is the extra convenience of only carrying 1 adaptor worth the cost?


Anonymous said...

i saw some similar things in Wan Chai Computer Mall. Go and have a look.
u of course should not buy this in the airport lah.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen Gerry for a long time. He really grows very fast!!

Jokemeister said...

Yeah - its incredible how fast he grows. I really need to post more pictures of him on this blog.

Re the Portable Power. I haven't been to Wanchai. Only looked in Tsuen Wan. Unf, the only one they had in TW was the Zap model I linked to and that was around $400. The problem is that one doesn't have enough adaptors and doesn't meet my needs so I need to keep looking.