Friday, April 6, 2007

Henry Tang

I saw Henry Tang yesterday when I was in the IFC mall. Normally, this would be no big deal - I mean, its not like he's a major personality or anything. However, for me, its very rare that I get to see anyone famous.

The problem is that whenever I walk around, I tend not to look at people. In the past, when I have been out with friends, they would suddenly turn to me and say "hey, that was xx" - xx being some kind of film star. Me - I never saw them - I just don't look at people.

This is also why if you walk past me in the street, I normally won't say hi. Its because I never saw you (not because I don't like you - honest!).

What this boils down to is that I rarely have brushes with famous people. In my thirty something years of life, I have only ever seen 2 famous people (and Henry Tang counts as one!) and have talked to none. Pretty miserable I know, especially when compared to my boss who says he once dated Kylie Minogue!

However, is my boss, the showbiz dater, normal? Or is my experience normal? How many people get to see, or speak to, famous people?

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