Thursday, April 5, 2007

Broken plates

Today, Gerry reached another milestone in his development. For the first time ever, he broke some of our dinner plates.

This actually happened during breakfast. For breakfast, I normally have peanut butter and jam sandwiches and today was no exception. The way that I normally do this is that I grab a dinner plate, then place 2 slices of bread on it. I butter one slice with jam and the other slice with peanut butter.

Then put them together and voila - a peanut butter and jam sandwich.

This morning, after eating my breakfast, I wandered off to wash my hands, grab a drink of water etc. The next thing I know, I hear a crash. During the short time I was away, Gerry had managed to stand on his tippy toes and reach up to the dinner table. He was just tall enough to reach the plate and pull it onto the floor whereupon the plate promptly broke into a millions pieces.

Luckily Gerry wasn't hurt (can't say the same for the plate).

Although I thought I would be angry - the truth was that I was just relieved that Gerry was okay. Besides, considering how cute he is, I can't stay angry for long!

Anyway, here are some recent photos of Gerry to show how cute he is. All together now, awww!!

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