Monday, January 21, 2008

Video game addiction - part 2

Wow - this is going to be harder than I thought.

As you know, today marks the first day of my 1 week abstinence from video games. And I almost failed on the first day!

I mentioned before that I'm a competitive jerkwad. This reared itself again last week when a friend of mine challenged me to a game on facebook called "Who has the biggest brain". Basically, this game is a series of questions designed to test your arithmetic, visual acuity, memory etc. At the end of the game, you get a score for how "clever" you are. In form, its actually very similar to some of the brain training games that you can buy for the Nintendo DS.

So, as I was saying, I received a challenge last week. Naturally, I took up the challenge and promptly beat her brain size (apparently, I have a scientist brain). Being the jerkwad that I am, I also left a message for her trumpeting my triumph. What can I say - I'm clever, not mature.

Anyway, I get back into work this morning and find that, after numerous attempts, she has finally managed to beat my brain size. Shock! Horror!! Well, I wasn't going to let some upstart female get the better of me! I immediately clicked to load the game.

Luckily for me, I received an error screen while loading (the applications in facebook are prone to the occasional error) and I wasn't able to get in. At this point, I remembered my pledge to not play any videogames for a week. I had tried to load the game without thinking. Never mind lasting a day, I almost lost on the first morning!

Only a twist of fate had saved me...


Anonymous said...

Heh heh - your subconcious is pulling you....

If I were cruel, at this point I'd start commenting on my Crew Alexandra game on FM08 just to add some more temptation....

Jokemeister said...

So "evil" but not yet Dr. Evil?