Monday, January 28, 2008

Video game addiction - part 3

And thus ends my 1 week moratorium on video games ... and I can't wait to get home and load up Mass Effect! :)

As a recap, the reason I decided not to play video games for a week was because of an article I read about a blog author failing at such a test. When I read that article, I thought it was incredible that an adult didn't have the willpower to stop playing video games for a short period of 1 week. To me, it seemed incredibly easy to do. After all, its only for a period of 1 week. However, I realised that its easy for me to sit there and criticise - the question was whether I could do any better if I went through the same test.

And I'm happy to say that I passed - I played no video games at all last week. In all fairness, I have to admit that I wanted to play video games several times. In fact, I even almost failed the test on Monday when I tried to load an online flash game without thinking (btw - I replayed that brain game today and won back my first place with a Space Ace brain score - cue smug grin!). However, whenever I felt the urge to play a video game, I just told myself to suck it up - after all, it was only for a period of a week.

And this was how the week passed, alternating between watching DVDs, wanting to play video games, reading books, wanting to play video games, finishing my Halo 3 comic and then wanting to play video games (did I mention that already?).

On one hand, I'm glad that I had the willpower to resist the urge to play video games for a week. However, the downside is that, judging by the urges I had to play, I guess the sad truth is that I am indeed addicted to video games. Still, I guess I shouldn't feel too bad - after all, there are worse addictions out there!

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