Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Halo 3 (again!)

At this time, I really should apologise to my regular blog readers. As you can tell from the title, this is going to be another game related post. Unfortunately for you, the only thing I can think about at this moment is Halo 3 so you will have to just bear with me until the thril passes. Don't worry, I'm sure it won't be longer than a week ... or two. :)

Anyway, one of the things about Halo 3 that has really impressed me is the video function. All games are automatically recorded by the game as you play. After you finish playing, you can then play back the video and watch what you did. Whats great about it is that you have full control over the camera in this video and you can take film clips or screenshots to show off what you have done. Its really a very cool idea and I've spent an inordinate amount of time playing around inside the video instead of actually playing the game.

You can also refer to my gaming blog if you wanna check out some screenshots from the game. I intend to post ongoing screenshots of my gaming sessions in there. However, this has gotten me to thinking. What else can I do with this function?

The obvious thing is to create a Halo comic strip. To do that, all I would need is some decent screenshots, Photoshop (or an equivalent) and a healthy dose of imagination. I can get the screenshots from the game and I have a photo editor. The question is whether I have enough imagination to script an actual comic.

Maybe as a test run, I could create a comic based on the Halo 3 storyline. By following the storyline, I already have an idea of what dialogue to include so my imagination won't be stretched too hard! Also, it will give me an idea of how feasible the project is (viz a viz time and my limited ability with a photo editor!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go for it - why don't you try creating the first level and see how it goes?
