Monday, July 23, 2007

Baby Dreams

I have been in an insufferably good mood all day. People at work have had to put up with this all day and now its your turn!

Anyway, onto the story. Picture the scene.

Its late at night. The clock chimes twelve. I glance at the clock, just to make sure I got the time right. I look at my wife, sitting next to me on the sofa and say "its late, time for bed". We get up and start moving towards the bedroom (don't worry, this post isn't rated XXX although it might seem like it from how its starting!).

I turn off the living room lights. The only source of light is now the small light in our bedroom. Its a long walk down the corridor before we get to the bedroom and passes both the study and Gerry's bedroom. Being so late, Gerry is fast asleep. However, as we pass by his room, we hear him mutter one word.


My wife and I pause. Did we hear that incorrectly? Is Gerry actually awake?

No - Gerry wasn't awake. But he was dreaming. And he was dreaming of me.

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