Friday, June 8, 2007

Sweet Sweet Savoury Snacks

When I was a wee kid in school, I had to do a lot of walking. The walk was a result of us living quite far away from school. So every day, I would get a regular amount of exercise just walking to and from school. The walk itself was 15 minutes (yeah yeah, I know, you're thinking "is that all?" - just bear in mind that I've always been a fat git).

On the way to school, we would pass by a newsagents. Even then, I had a fair amount of disposable income (for a kid) - mainly as I used to help my dad out in the takeaway restaurant he ran hence I got a fair amount of "pocket" money. Naturally, rather than wisely investing my income, I spent as much of it as I could.

However, what can a kid spend money on? Well, the answer of course are crisps! Every day, on the way home from school, I would stop off at the newsagents and buy a bag of crisps (or other corn snack). Sometimes, I would even buy 2 packs in 1 day - 1 on the way to school and 1 on the way back.

Happy days! :)

I was reminded of this happy childhood event today as on the way home from work, I stopped at the local 7-11 and bought a 80g bag of Calbee's Bacon Cheese flavour Grill-A-Corn. As I sat on the MTR on the way home, chomping away at my bag of corn snacks, I couldn't help but think ...

"Sweet Sweet Savoury Snacks - I've missed you old friend!"


Anonymous said...

I admire you.

Conversely, I don't have any pocket money until grade 10 or 11.

Yes. Not even a spare disposable penny. My grandma / aunts may give us some but we are not supposed to keep it. All of them must be surrendered. Violations would attract heavy penalties.


Jokemeister said...

Bear in mind, the pocket money I got was earned from me working for my dad.

But yeah - there were some real advantages to working at an early age. Although it wasn't a "huge" amount of money, it was a good wage and meant that I had financial freedom to buy what I wanted. And lets face it - a teenage kid doesn't need to spend lots of money!

The downside of course, was that I didn't get to spend as much time with friends. Every Friday and Saturday was reserved for work.

Still - all in all, I had a great childhood.