Monday, February 19, 2007

Rubbish Bins

Happy (Chinese) New Year!
Gong Xi Fa Chai!
Kung Hei Fat Choy!

etc etc - you get the general idea.

Now that the pleasantries are out of the way, here is a question for you. Should 13 month old babies be allowed to play with rubbish bins?

Gerry is currently very steady on his feet. Basically, this allows him to wander around the house at will going wherever he wants (unless there is a closed door in the way, in which case he stands outside hammering his fist on the door until you open it!). Coupled with his natural curiosity, he spends a lot of time wandering around and picking things up to examine.

This became a problem today when he wandered into our master bedroom and ransacked the rubbish bin. The first thing he picked up was the empty can of Heineken. Now before you start thinking that I 'm a serious alcoholic, I should say that I haven't had a beer in months (In hindsight, that last sentence looks like a line out of Alcoholics Anonymous!). Yesterday was an exception where I polished off the last can of beer in the house.

Being the lazy git that I am, I threw the can into the master bedroom rubbish bin. Hence, when Gerry showed up to ransack the bin, the first thing he found was the empty can of Heineken. The first inkling I had of this was when my wife called me over (She was looking after Gerry while I was in another room at the time) to the bedroom so that she could give me a good rollicking about the fact that I shouldn't have put the can of beer in the bedroom rubbish bin.

Which raises the question - should 13 month old babies be allowed to play with rubbish bins?

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