Thursday, February 8, 2007

The happiest moment of my life

Quick - call the MIB! My son is being eaten by a ball!

I wasn't planning on blogging today but something happened which I just had to talk about.

In the past, I would have considered the happiest moment of my life to be when my wife said "yes" after I asked her to marry me. If you haven't experienced this yet, you have something to look forward to. No matter how well you know your girlfriend, there is always that risk, that uncertainty, that she might say no.

Some people may wonder - what about the actual marriage or when my baby boy was born? To be honest, although great, these moments just don't compare mainly because they are more drawn out. For example, the wedding day itself is an all day slog with picking up the bride, the ceremony followed by the wedding banquet. Similarly, with the birth of Gerry, having spent so many hours in hospital waiting, the actual birth itself contains an element of relief.

Now don't get me wrong, these are great moments. But for me, they just don't compare to that moment of joy, of trepidation passing, when your loved one says yes. That moment when all fear and uncertainty passes and you know she loves you as much as you love her. Sappy, I know, but what can I say - I'm a hopeless romantic!

Anyway, as I was saying above, something happened today - and as you can guess, it involves him:

I got home from Shanghai today. I hadn't seen my son in a couple of days and when I got home, he was very happy to see me - which is always nice. So we start playing and I ask him what he's been up to in the last couple of days. He gives his usual answer - a series of "uh" and "gah" and "heh".

After I put him back down, I head into my library to turn on my PC. I'm going to Singapore for a holiday tomorrow so I wanted to check the weather to see what clothing I would need to take (chance of thunderstorm and rain incidentally). As I'm tapping away on the keyboard, Gerry wanders into the room, comes up to me and holds his hands up. This is a sure indication he wants to come up onto my lap.

So I pick him up and sit him on my lap. I expect he wants to hammer away at the keyboard as he likes to copy what we do now. Instead, he sits himself very steadily on my lap, looks straight at me, smiles and then says very clearly "ba ba".

The happiest moment of my life.

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