Friday, February 23, 2007

How do these people get a driving licence?

The quality of drivers in Hong Kong is absolutely dreadful (although to be fair, it isn't as bad as in Mainland China). To be clear, when I talk about bad drivers, I don't mean drivers who speed all the time. Nor do I mean drivers who do maneuvers without using the indicator lights.

I am talking about honest to goodness god-awful drivers who don't deserve to have a drivers licence in the first place. I came across another example of this recently in a car park.

I was on my way into a multi-storey carpark. The road to move up (and down) a level is comprised of 2 lanes - one for going up and one for going down. The two lanes are right next to each other and go in a tight circular motion. Basically, the only way for you to tell if there is a car coming down is to check these big mirrors they have stuck on the walls. Alternatively, you can also tell there is a car coming if the other driver has switched on the main headlamps.

So I was on the way up to another level when I notice a car in one of the mirrors. Being careful, I slow down a little just to make sure there is room. Then the car itself comes into view. Right in the middle of the two lanes! I have an artists impression on the right (some idiot praised my last "artists impression" so you all have to put up with another one!).

I immediately hit the brakes and screech to a halt. Meanwhile, the other car swerves back onto its side of the road. Both of us end up next to each other giving me an opportunity to glare menacingly at the other driver (another side note, I really need to practice my menacing glare - at the moment, it doesn't intimidate anyone!).

The incredible part? The other driver has the gall to glare back at me as if its my fault!

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