Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Wil Wheaton

Those of you who watch Star Trek: The Next Generation will already be familiar with Wil Wheaton. Wil is the actor who played Wesley Crusher - the annoying kid - in the TV series. Wesley was one of the universally hated characters in ST:TNG. In fact, for a while, this also caused a lot of hatred for Wil himself as the actor portraying Wesley.

Now, I have to agree that Wesley is one of the worst characters on the show. In my opinion, Wesley never got any decent shows until after Wil had already left the show as a regular (he got some great shows after he became a guest appearance though!).

Having said that, I have never understood why there was so much hatred against Wil as an actor. Everytime I hear criticism against Wil, it is always with regard to the shitty Wesley lines or the shitty Wesley stories. I mean, its not as if Wil is the guy who is writing all the shitty scripts and corny lines that Wesley has to speak! Remember, the guy is an actor.

The only criticism you can lay against Wil is that he isn't a good actor. However, bear in mind that during the TV series, the guy was a teenager. How many good actors do you see in their teens? And if you mention Macauley Culkin - I will never speak to you again!!

Anyway, recently, I came across Wil Wheaton's website. There is a link to his blog on his website which I recommend you read. The guy has a great sense of humor and this comes through in his blogs. In particular, he has started writing some reviews of the Star Trek TV shows. You can find them here and again, they are hilariously written.

If you only read one blog this year, then read mine! However, if you have time for another blog, give Wil's a shot - he might surprise you.

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