Friday, May 18, 2007

Male = Macho

One thing you can pretty much guarantee is that most men are macho pigs. We will do any stupid thing if we think it makes us look like big macho guys. I was reminded of this yesterday during dinner.

As you know, some of my friends are over from the UK. Yesterday, we went to Balalaika - this russian restaurant located in Knutsford Terrace. Now, one of the more unique features of this restaurant is that it has a cold room. Basically, the room is set at -20 degrees. Once in there, the idea is that you can have a shot of vodka and appreciate why the russians like drinking vodka so much. The restaurant provides you with furry hats and jackets and you can put these on before going into the cold room if you are afraid that it will be too cold.

Except, one of the guys, being from chilly Glasgow, said that "-20 degrees? Thats not that cold - I can go in just wearing my short sleeved shirt".

Game on baby!

As a result of this one statement, the four of us trooped into the cold room without putting on any of the furry hats or jackets. At which point, we all started to shiver. We have photographic evidence of this as we tried to take a picture - didn't turn out too well though as the photographer was shivering!

Not long after, one of the guys immediately rushed out to put on a furry hat and jacket. Naturally, being macho guys, the rest of us immediately slagged him off silly. I tell ya - you could cut the testosterone in there with a knife - admittedly, mainly because it had frozen ...

At that point, it became a contest to see who could shiver the least. You could see everybody eyeing up the other person to see how badly they were shivering. Luckily for me, I had a t-shirt and long sleeved shirt on (what I wear to work) whereas the others were all in short sleeved shirts.

I was able to tough it out until the wimps said "okay, lets go back out now". Losers!

Victory for moi! Me is lion - hear me roar!

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