Wednesday, January 24, 2007



My first blogpost - I finally enter the 21st century. :)

I guess the first thing to talk about is why I am now creating this blog. Part of the reason is that my boss in his presentation yesterday was talking about the professional of the future. One of the points he mentioned was that people born after 1982 were "natives" to technology while those born before were "immigrants" to technology.

In case there is any doubt, I am an immigrant to technology.

But here is the problem - I want to be a native.

I have always considered myself to be "hip" and "trendy" despite the fact that I am no longer a spring chicken (In fact, I am probably closer to getting my mid-life crisis!). I try very hard to be open to new ideas etc. And in many ways, I guess I do a good job at this. At least I am not afraid of technology anyway (I say that like its an achievement!).

But after listening to my boss talk about the 1982 cut-off and his example of his daughter having 5 email accounts, I realised that maybe I'm not as trendy as I thought.

So here I am - writing my first blog post (and becoming the Time person of the Year!!).

I hope you enjoy this blog (and brief insight into my psyche).


Anonymous said...


I once opened a blog and posted some photos; but haven't got the patience to continue.

Anonymous said...

Haha ... you finally have a blog! I don't have a blog but an online photo album. Do I need one?

I agree that you are willing to accept new things e.g. try new restaurants with me in the past. Hope you can (have time) to keep on after you have a baby.

P.S. Seems it is a Chinese blog site, why you choose this as you blog site?

Jokemeister said...

Thanks for the comments - really appreciate you taking the time to post them.