Monday, March 10, 2008

Improv Everywhere

I'm not feeling very well so you'll have to do with a cheap link instead of a real blog post.

Improv Everywhere are a group of pranksters (primarily in the US but they have a group of global participants as well). Their pranks generally operate by causing a variety of different scenes in public, the basic aim of which is to make passers-by think "what just happened?"

Not all of their stuff is funny. In fact, some of it would actually be pretty annoying. However, once in a while, they do something which is good enough and creative enough to make it all worthwhile.

Their latest stunt, the Food Court Musical, is one such example. Singing in public in itself isn't particularly creative. However, their ability to write a new song (which was reasonably entertaining) and integrate the actors so well into the audience brings a couple of real laugh out loud moments.

The video is well worth a watch if you can spare the 5 mins. While you're there, browse some of their other missions. The McDonalds Bathroom Attendant is another good one.

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