Friday, March 14, 2008

Bungie - awesome customer service

This is a totally cool example of customer service which shows that a little cost at the right time and in the right place can generate a huge amount of goodwill for your company.

A while ago, a gamer called Nathaniel loved his Xbox 360. He loved it so much that he took it everywhere hence managing to get loads of signatures and even a drawing from various personalities in the gaming world. Alas, all good things come to an end. His Xbox 360 suffered death and he sent it in to Microsoft with express instructions to keep the case untouched.

Microsoft promptly wiped off all signatures and drawings from his Xbox 360 (real classy move that!). After telling his tale of woe, Bungie (developers of Halo 3) took pity on this poor gamer and sent him a bag of Bungie signed gear to make up for the loss.


This is a great PR move by Bungie. The screwup by Microsoft had nothing to do with Bungie. Nevertheless, they decided to take action to help the poor gamer. Naturally, nothing will ever replace some of the signatures that Nathaniel lost - still, its a great gesture from Bungie. It has also created a lot (and I mean a LOT) of goodwill in the gaming community for Bungie.

As for Microsoft? They are still "investigating" to determine what went wrong...

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