Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Bear Stearns

Anyone with any interest in the financial markets will know that Bear Stearns is the current hot news topic. One on hand, I fully understand why the Fed decided to bail out Bear Stearns (I think they were terrified of a market crash).

Having said that, I really can't agree with their decision.

In my opinion, Bear Stearns is (or should that be "was") in the position it is in for one reason only - bad management. The top brass at Bear were paid millions in wages and bonuses and they completely f$#ked up (to be fair, they weren't the only ones). Personally, I think Bear should have taken the consequences and died (I would say that I hope the Street would learn something from its demise but I know better).

Too many times, we've seen "top" CEOs get paid millions for running their companies into the ground. They then get paid millions more to leave their post early. Meanwhile, investors are left holding the can. Why should Bear be any different?

Obviously, the argument here is that if Bear does die, and a market crash occurs, then the general public will be the ones who pay. Well, where do you think the government gets its money from in the first place?

There are too many f$#king losers with no brains spending their money on investments with no idea what they are doing (baa). Of course, these are the same guys who are doing everything they can not to pay taxes to the government and bitch about it bitterly for any small tax payments that they actually make. And when something goes wrong? These same f$#king losers run to the government asking for handouts. If you ask me, they deserve to lose their assets. Personally, I agree with this guy - F*** Wall Street.

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