Saturday, February 16, 2008

Haiku to heat

Well, I finally managed to make it to Singapore despite the best efforts of Cathay Pacific. We were supposed to fly out to SG yesterday afternoon. The timing would have enabled us to arrive in SG at around 8pm in the evening which would have been perfect for my brother to get off work and then take us out for an evening meal.

Unfortunately, Cathay Pacific had other ideas and due to a 3 hour delay in the flight, we didn't actually arrive in SG till 11pm. So much for dinner...

Anyway, its really good to be in SG again. As you know, the weather in HK lately has been miserably cold and it feels great to finally have some warm weather. The temperature when we arrived last night was 27C - a far cry from the 5C at my home in HK!!

In celebration of this warm weather, I have decided to subject you to some bad poetry:

So cold in Hong Kong
much warmer in Singapore
why should I return?

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