Wednesday, December 26, 2007

My Xmas Brownie

Wow - what a Christmas. Looking back, I can't believe how much food I ate over the last week. So much for my diet! :)

Today is boxing day. More importantly, tomorrow is Gerry's 2nd birthday (so look forward to a slew of pictures of Gerry soon!). In preparation for his birthday tomorrow, I decided to bake a brownie. Naturally, seeing as Gerry can't eat too much birthday brownie, the missus and I will have to help him out!

This is a picture of the finished brownie. It may not look like much in the picture but that monster is approx 10" by 8".

This is 1 serving of said brownie. What can I say, I believe in big portions! :D

Of course, simply having a brownie for dessert isn't good enough. This is the finished article. A large slice of chocolate and cherry brownie with Rocky Road ice cream and freshly brewed tea. Delish!!

The missus tucking in. Just in case there was any doubt, she enjoyed the brownie immensely. In fact, she liked it so much, she had another serving!

Proof that she liked it - an empty plate!

Don't worry - we left some for Gerry. It is after all, his birthday brownie!


Anonymous said...

So, is this the brownie that you owe me? ;)

Jokemeister said...

Any plans to visit HK soon (while I still remember the recipe for this thing)?