With the end of the holidays, the missus and I are back to work. More importantly, I get back my access to the internet cable which was previously being hogged by persons who shall remain unnamed.
And so - we continue with our long awaited series of family pictures.
Way back in November, we took Gerry to a cooking class. The class was really just an opportunity for the kids to make some cookies (which Gerry has always loved eating - particularly the soft ones by Mrs. Fields) and hopefully share them with loved ones. In Gerry's case, we managed to extract a promise from him that he would share his cookies with my father (who was over in HK for a short period to visit).
The good thing about the class was that it actually allowed the kids to really participate in the making of the cookies. In addition to weighing the ingredients, the kids were also allowed to help mix the ingredients together. Here you can see Gerry concentrating on making the cookie dough.
Once the dough was ready, it was time to shape the dough into various animals or other inanimate objects. Naturally, this step fell to me as the only one in the family with the requisite dexterity to shape the dough...
Although I should also mention that the class had several cookie cutters which we used to make various shapes as well.
Below, you can see the almost finished product. After getting the various shapes, Gerry was able to decorate them with some M&Ms. No chocolate chips unfortunately. Or maybe that should be fortunately - if the cookies had been choc chip cookies, I would probably have ended up fighting Gerry for them.
A quick family photo taken by one of the other parents. This was taken while we were waiting for the cookies to bake hence the unhappy look on Gerry's face. I think he was afraid that someone had stolen his cookies...
At last! The finished product. The "cat" and the "Xmas tree" were inventions of your's truly while the star and the other shapes were a result of the cookie cutters. I'll let you decide which one is the prettiest.
And last of all - do you remember Gerry's promise to share his cookies with his grandfather? Well, he kept it. Sort of.
He broke off a tiny part of one of the cookies and offered it to my dad. In the end, he found a way to keep his word while still eating essentially all the cookies himself.
Note to self - be more specific about what to share in future...
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