Monday, January 18, 2010

Blame it on the Pop

Not that long ago, I mentioned that I liked songs with a nice beat. As further proof of this, the latest song that I've been listening to (and the latest video to light up the interwebz) is Blame it on the Pop.

What is great about this song is that its actually a mashup by DJ Earworm. What he's done is created a new song by mashing up the top 25 hits according to the US Billboard and its incredible how well he has managed to incorporate the lyrics and music together into one cohesive whole.

I'm guessing this video has really put him on the board as well. With this video going viral (over 7 million views at the time of writing - not only impressive in its own right but particularly considering that it was only 6 million just a day or two ago), I noticed that a lot of his other videos are getting loads of hits as well just in the couple of days since I first noticed him.


Anonymous said...

This is getting some broader attention - just heard this on a Singaporean radio station last night!

Jokemeister said...

Wow - I can't believe its on mainstream radio!

I also just checked the youtube link again and its now over 10million hits. I guess he is about to get a lot more work.