Thursday, September 3, 2009

Marvel vs Disney

Now here's a matchup that you might not have expected.

If you've been watching the news, then you will know that Disney acquired Marvel over the weekend. Which, potentially, is exciting news. I say potentially because the natural fear is that Disney will interfere with Marvel's operations and make Marvel too kid friendly.

However, if you know anything about Marvel, then you know that there really isn't anything to worry about. Even if I discount that Marvel has never been too risque, there is a separate Marvel Kids lineup which has kid friendly versions of all Marvel heros and villains anyway. Frankly, I doubt that even Disney could make them even more sugary. Besides, when you consider the history of Pixar, then you have pretty good evidence that Disney will probably let Marvel do its own thing without too much interference.

What has been great about the merger though is the creativity of the internet after the announcement. If you jump on Google or Flickr and search for "Marvel Disney mashup", you will find a veritable plethora of images, drawn by fans, imagining what would happen if Marvel characters merged with Disney characters - some of which are absolutely hilarious.

Despite the fact that I'm a huge Spidey fan, I have to say that the best one I've seen so far is by James Sheng here.

The juxtapositon of the Hulk, with his trademark grimace, and the silly Mickey Mouse hat is simply priceless. This image alone makes the merger worthwhile!

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