Monday, July 13, 2009

Literal music videos

Today's blog post is a bit of a video dump so I'd advise you to skip unless you have broadband (but really, who doesn't these days?).

Anyway, the genesis of today's post is the question - Ever wish songs just sang what was happening in the music video? DustoMcNeato on youtube posed this very question and to illustrate his answer, came up with the below incredibly awesome music video of Take On Me by A-Ha.

By the way, if you like the Darth Thriller clip at the end (and really, why wouldn't you?), you can find the full version by searching youtube for "Dancing With the Star Wars Stars 2008".

Since DustoMcNeato posted his first video (this was back in 2008), the literal music video has really taken off and is now an internet phenomenon. If you search youtube (or even Google) for literal music video, you get inundated with tons of hits. Unfortunately, not all of them are good as the majority of people just don't have good singing voices or don't have decent equipment to record the audio with.

So, being the good guy that I am, I have trawled through the cesspit to find the couple of gems that are worth you spending time to watch. Don't worry, you can thank me later.

It probably goes without saying that you probably won't find this funny unless you have heard the original song.

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

Head over Heels by Tears for Fears - another 80's classic pop song in keeping with the theme.

Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler - this is one of my favourite videos. It does drag a bit in the middle but picks up at the end. Overall, a great video with some hilarious lines and a decent voice.

Anything for Love by Meatloaf - dascottjr actually has several good videos. He was behind Total Eclipse of the Heart as well as this one. What's impressive is the quality of the singing - Meatloaf songs are generally quite hard to sing as Meatloaf has an impressive range to his voice which isn't always apparent until you try singing one of his songs.

Under the Bridge by Red Hot Chilli Peppers - not as funny as the other vids but worth including due to the quality of the singing.

Never gonna give you up by Rick Astley - the singing and lyrics are relatively poor in this one (its a measure of how bad the singing in some of these vids is that this wasn't bad enough to exclude). Having said that, now that you can literally rick roll people, how could I not include it?

Making Love out of Nothing at all by Air Supply - included because the missus is a fan of Air Supply (and because it has some funny lyrics)

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