Monday, May 4, 2009

Some random thoughts

I'm back from Phuket and, boy, do I feel bloated! All I have done the last week is lounge around like a lazy b'stad and constantly stuff my face with food.

And it was totally awesome!!

The downside is that my mind still isn't functioning properly so this blog post is gonna be a bit random.

By the way, the missus and I stayed at the Amari Coral Beach Resort. While the hotel was okay, I don't think that I would go back. While the view from the hotel was pretty nifty, the hotel is just a bit too remote for my liking.

Loads of TV to catch up on now I'm back. The second season of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles has just finished and it really ended with a bang - what a fantastic way to end the season. I really hope it doesn't get cancelled. On that note, I'm really starting to enjoy Dollhouse as well. I hope Fox doesn't get cancel that show either. If both shows get cancelled, I will have nothing left but my sad face.

Which reminds me, while in Phuket, we went to The Cream & Fudge Factory a couple of times. Good ice cream - particularly how its mixed with other stuff on a frozen marble slab to make a custom concoction. The video on the front page of the website gives you a good idea of what to expect. Currently, in HK, there is a similar company called "iscream" but having looked at the shop, it really doesn't look anywhere near as good. Shame there isn't a branch of The Cream & Fudge Factory in HK.

Last of all, I came home to find that Wizards of the Coast have made the DnD 4e quick start guide and the full module of Keep on the Shadowfell available as a free download on their website. How cool is that! The idea, obviously, is for people to try the game and if they like it, then they can invest in the full game. I say "try the game" but there is enough content in the module (71 pages!!) to last several sessions.

Now all I need are some friends to play with...


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good holiday - plan to go to Phuket at some point too.

Re: TSCC - yep - good episode. Brought some interesting questions to the fore and will be good to see next season if it happens, though I'm not sure of the likelihood given the ratings.

Jokemeister said...

Noooooo!!! See my sad face!!

Anonymous said...

Feel the same way too bro...

Anonymous said...

Update - TSCC cancellation has been confirmed. Why did Warner Bros (who owns the Terminator franchise) give the show to those dumb-asses?

Jokemeister said...


Its bloody disappointing especially as Fox seems to have a pretty dire record with sci-fi shows.

The only consolation is that Dollhouse gets a second season. Having said that, considering the time slot, I don't hold much hope for how much longer it will last.

Jokemeister said...

Just saw this comic and I had to post a link to it - funny.

Anonymous said...

Just saw this - Josh Friedman's latest blog on his cancellation experience...

Jokemeister said...

hmm - never saw that before. It sounds like he is a little bitter about it. Can't really blame him.