Friday, May 8, 2009

"I'm the best there is at what I do ...

... but what I do isn't very nice."

And with that line, the true believers among you will know that this blog post is about Wolverine.

"I'm the best there is at what I do, but what I do best isn't very nice."

And with that line, the X-Men Origins Wolverine movie craps all over Wolvie fans as it get's Logan's famous catchphrase wrong.

In case you hadn't guessed, I went to see the new Wolverine movie yesterday with the missus (don't worry, this blog post is spoiler free). By now, you probably know that the critics crapped all over this movie. And in some respects, I kinda understand why. The plot is average and the dialogue is mediocre and cliched. Basically, the new Marvel movie is your everyday Summer blockbuster.

But here's the thing. This is a movie about a guy with attitude who is indestructible and has adamantium claws coming out of his hands. Let's just say that I wasn't expecting Jane Austen. The only thing that this movie had to do right was to make sure there were loads of scenes of Wolverine kicking ass - and it delivered.

Yes, the movie had a predictable storyline. Sure, the dialogue was cliched. And so what if they took liberties with decades of established history (which superhero movie doesn't?). The key thing is that there were loads of big explosions, flashy CGI and butts were liberally kicked.

Whether you like this movie or not will depend on two things. First - can you ignore decades of established Wolverine history? Second - Can you ignore minor things like plot and treat the movie like a collection of Wolvie fight scenes? If you answered yes to both of the above, then go ahead as the movie is worth watching.

PS Smeg me but Hugh Jackman is buffed!


Anonymous said...

Sigh - lots of movies I want to catch, but so little time. This one, Star Trek, Terminator to name just a few...

Jokemeister said...

Yeah, I know what you mean. I also want to watch the Angels & Demons movie as well. I read the book last year and was well impressed with it.

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