Thursday, March 26, 2009

The subconscious mind

I've mentioned before that I'm a firm believer in the power of the subconscious mind and this manifested itself again today.

As you know, I have an iPod Nano which I use to listen to music while I'm on the way to and from work. Last night, on the way home, I decided to listen to some Aaron Kwok. For those who don't know who he is (and were too lazy to read the wiki article I linked to), Aaron Kwok Fu Shing is a cantopop star and one of the original Four Heavenly Kings of cantopop. Although he isn't a fantastic singer, he is a fantastic dancer and is primarily famous for his dance moves (and toned body - but lets not get into that here!).

This is curious only because I don't really listen to much cantopop. Although I have a couple of cantopop albums, I mainly listen to english music. In fact, the only reason I have cantopop music on my iPod is because I have the hard drive capacity to include it. So why did I want to listen to cantopop, and Aaron in particular? At the time, I thought it was just a whim, a passing fancy to listen to some music which I hadn't heard in a long time.

Flash forward to today. On the way home, while passing a billboard in the MTR station and listening to Aaron crooning in my ear, I noticed a picture of Aaron Kwok in the corner of the ad. It was a very small picture of him and as I looked at the whole ad, I realised it was actually an ad for a magazine for which he was on the cover. In fact, the picture of him was so small that I wonder how I managed to notice him at all.

Did my subconscious mind notice the ad last night hence my sudden hankering for some Aaron Kwok cantopop? Possibly, my subconscious noticed the ad and it took another day for my conscious mind to catch up.

The other possibility is that I only noticed the ad because I was listening to Aaron Kwok. Or rather, my subconscious mind noticed the ad and then drew my conscious mind to the picture.

Of course, the last possibility is that this was all coincidence. But that seems rather fantastical doesn't it?

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