Monday, September 20, 2010


By now, the more observant of my readers (so no, not you) will have noticed the twitter feed on the right hand side of my blog. For the extremely unobservant, I should add that the twitter feed is mine and that I have indeed created a twitter account.

The catalyst for this was basically last Thursday's post. I had some random thoughts which I wanted to share. The problem was that there wasn't enough meat on those random thoughts to really justify a blog post in its own right but other than ignoring it completely, what could I do?

Well, it turns out that I could have created a twitter account and micro-blogged about it. Who knew, right? Too late now I suppose but hopefully, such short and random thoughts can be kept to twitter in future.

Also, somehow I have managed to pick up three followers. I have no idea how I managed this or why they would be interested in my tweets considering that my tweets so far have consisted of random crap. But there you go.

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