Thursday, June 25, 2009

RIP David Eddings

I actually noticed this several weeks ago but for some reason forgot to post about it. In essence, David Eddings passed away earlier this month.

When I was a kid, David Eddings used to be one of my favourite authors. I can't remember when I first read his Belgariad series of books but I do recall I was instantly captivated by the story and the characters that he had created. I also recall I reread the Belgariad so often that the books themselves are now in pretty poor shape.

Looking at the wikipedia entry for Eddings, I realise that I have read almost everything that he has published. The only books on that list which I haven't read are The Rivan Codex and Regina's Song.

Admittedly, I was disappointed with some of his later work - I felt the characterisation and dialogue of new characters was too samey compared with his earlier work. Despite this, I have a massive amount of respect for Eddings and an obvious soft spot for his work. The reality is that, even as I felt disappointed while reading the Dreamer series, I also felt elated in visiting a world created by one of the authors who absolutely shaped and defined my childhood.

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