Here, you can see that he is practicing his pressup's. Man, if I could get away with doing pressups like that, I would be able to do 100 easily!
We do take Gordon out of the house occasionally. Not as much as we used to take Gerry but he does get some outside action. You can see he is clearly ecstatic to be out of the house...
And this is a REAL milestone. The first picture where both daddy and baby are looking at the camera!
Didn't last long though - as you can see, he has already been distracted by other more enticing sights!
And just to prove that we aren't neglecting Gerry, here you can see him pushing the baby around in the stroller. As you can imagine, Gordon didn't get much of an afternoon nap that day!
Very cute - always enjoy seeing new photos of the kids.
BTW: does Dad know about this site for the photos?
Yeah, Dad knows (although I don't know if he knows about the comments). He is always encouraging (yeah, that's the word I was looking for!) me to put more photo's up.
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