Wednesday, April 2, 2008

April Fool's Day

Well, I managed to safely get past April Fool's Day. To be honest, I'm not a particularly big fan of April Fool's Day. I have never pulled any pranks on friends and luckily for me, none of my friends have ever pulled any pranks on me.

However, despite never taking part, I've always found it amusing to read the pranks that other people pull off (sadism ftw!). So in proud Jokemeister April Fool's Day tradition (which admittedly, only started last year), you can click here for the best prank that I managed to find this year.

And before you get any ideas, bear in mind that prank would never work on me for the simple reason that I don't flirt with any girls anymore. Admittedly, this is not due to the fact that I am married but rather because I got tired of being shot down.

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