Monday, April 21, 2008

HK Disneyland

Happy Birthday to Jokemeister!!

As part of this years birthday celebration, the missus and I took a day off work last Friday and went to HK Disneyland. Just us - no Gerry.

Regular readers of my blog know that I goto HK Disneyland quite often with Gerry. As a family destination, its a great choice considering that I'm only 20 minutes away by car. The place is clean and big enough for Gerry to run around in. Plus, as Gerry is so young, he gets in for free!

Anyway, for a change, the missus and I went to HK Disneyland on our own. We didn't go on many rides (more on that later) but we did watch all of the shows that were on offer. I have to admit, the shows were done very well. As a family destination, although HK Disneyland isn't very big, the stuff that is available is very high quality.

Unfortunately, although I enjoyed myself on Friday, I have to admit that, as an adult destination, HK Disneyland fails miserably. While there, we went on the only adult ride they had - the Space Mountain. And to be honest, it was disappointing as a roller-coaster ride.

The problem with Space Mountain is that the entire roller-coaster ride takes place within an enclosed dome. In order to create the effect that you are in space, the interior of the dome is pitch black with the occasional light show or star effect. The problem with this is that you can't see where you are going.

You see, in a normal roller-coaster ride, you can see the big bend or huge drop coming. This anticipation helps build your adrenaline as you can see that you are about to plummet down at ridiculous speeds before being whipped back up into the air for just enough time to catch your breath before dashing off in a huge loop-de-loop. Exhilarating right!

However, inside the Space Mountain, you can't see anything as its way too dark. The end result of this is that you end up sitting in the cart being tossed left and right seemingly at random. Which doesn't feel so much terrifying as annoying.

Ultimately, I guess whether you enjoy the Space Mountain will depend on your capacity for thrills. For example, the missus (who is not a big roller-coaster fan) still looked terrified in the photo which the ride takes of you. Her comment when she looked at me was, "how come you look kinda bored?"

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