Monday, May 10, 2010

Iron Man 2

Round about this time two years ago, I went and saw Iron Man with the missus on a whim and really liked it. At the time, I said that I couldn't wait for the sequel. Given that, will you be surprised to learn that I watched Iron Man 2 over the weekend?

Having watched Iron Man 2, I have to say that although I enjoyed the movie, I felt that the first movie was better. In fact, both the missus and I preferred the first Iron Man enough that we went out and bought it on DVD so that we could immediately rewatch it for comparison!

One of the "issues" I had with the first film was that I felt there wasn't enough Iron Man time in the movie. This was a result of the first film being an origin movie so they clearly had to spend a fair amount of time showing how the Iron Man armor is built. Unfortunately, even with the second movie, there isn't a whole lot of time spent in the suit.

Or rather, there isn't a whole lot of time spent fighting in the suit. There are loads of scenes where Stark is wearing the suit with the helmet up (during which time he may or may not be boozing!). Which is a shame as I would have loved to have seen some more of the Iron Man armor in action. Having said that, I have to admit that Robert Downey Jr does a really good job as Tony Stark and his performance really saves the film from being a drag.

Overall, if you enjoyed the first movie, then I think you will enjoy this one as well.

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