Monday, April 19, 2010

Lifehacker plug

One of the links on my blog (on the right hand side of the screen) is a link to Lifehacker. Lifehacker is a blog which focuses on tips, hacks and shortcuts for working and playing smarter and more efficiently.

As you can imagine with such a site, there are loads of tech tips and plenty of tips which I have taken on board and use. Granted, not every tip on the site is good as sometimes recommendations will be based on what is popular. However, there is enough good stuff there that I ensure that I read the titles of all tips just to see if anything useful comes up. Which makes me surprised to find that I haven't actually blogged about lifehacker till now.

Anyway, a post went up on lifehacker talking about ways to access blocked sites. Particularly relevant considering that just last week, I talked about how I don't watch much TV anymore. This is a great post which shows why I read lifehacker on a daily basis. It also illustrates perfectly why so many people are dumping TV.

In a nutshell, as broadband gets more and more pervasive, it will allow people to access content in a manner convenient to the user. The old business models adopted by the old media moguls will no longer work in the new world and it will be a case of adapt or die (or lobby to get a government granted monopoly). Power is shifting to the user and increasingly, it is companies that know how to do business in a world where information is abundant which will thrive.

And yes, I probably have been reading too much techdirt.

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