Friday, April 23, 2010

HK school system

The missus and I attended a talk today organised by the Kindergarten that Gerry goes to. The talk was an opportunity for parents to share their experience of the process that they went through in getting a place in a primary school for their kids and how they went about preparing their kids for the interview. In a brilliant example of effective knowledge sharing, I have to admit that I really learned a lot today.

If you know me, then you will know that in the past, I wasn't particularly fond of the school system in Hong Kong. In fact, I used to think that the person who devised the Hong Kong school system deserved to die. However, after attending today's talk, I no longer believe this.

Instead, now that I understand the requirements a bit better, I wish that he is slowly digested over a thousand years as he finds a new definition of pain and suffering.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude. Singapore ain't much better methinks...