Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Apple trying to put Macpro out of business

Apple as a company do a lot of things right. However, on occasion, they can also act like real dicks. Unfortunately, this is an occasion where they seem to be acting like dicks.

Brief version is that a company in Australia called Macpro have been selling Macpro branded computers since 1983 (ie before Apple introduced the Macintosh in 1984 and well before they launched the Mac Pro branded computers). Apple have been trying to register the trademark Mac Pro in Australia but have so far failed because Macpro objected (naturally, they didn't want to change their company name).

IP Australia (the body handling trademark disputes) has sided with Macpro as the Australian company was able to provide evidence that it had been using the mark prior to Apple. Apple have appealed to the Federal Court as they aren't willing to take this lying down.

To a certain extent, I can kinda understand Apple's position. They have already invested lots of money in their trademark and naturally, they don't want to lose that. But on the other hand, Macpro in Australia were clearly using the mark before Apple was. Quite frankly, I think its an open and shut case. Apple have NO claim to the mark in Australia.

It seems to me that the only reasonable course of action which Apple can take is to reach a compromise with Macpro (prob involving money). Unfortunately, it appears from the article that Apple isn't even willing to discuss this and seems determined to press on with a costly legal battle which ultimately may force Macpro to fold simply due to lack of resources.

Which is a real dick move.

PS to be fair to Apple, I should also mention that the story is all written from the side of Macpro Australia and Apple haven't commented on this at all so we don't know what their story may be.

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