Monday, August 10, 2009

Update on my views re the iPhone

Back in May, I dedicated an entire blog post to why I wasn't going to buy the iPhone. At the time, I thought that would put an end to the discussion. What a foolish fool of a fool I was.

Anyway, the first thing I want to say is that I'm not anti-Apple. To be fair, I can understand why you might think I am considering my comments regarding the hypocrisy of Apple in my previous post (what you wouldn't have known is that I consider most big companies hypocritical). Anyway, I will support Apple products when they come up with a product and business model that I'm happy with hence why I have an iPod Nano (good size, easy to use, stylish - whats not to like?). If I ever boycott Apple products, you will know about it (assuming you read my gaming blog that is - for legacy reasons, my boycott list is posted there but not here).

Similarly, despite the problems I mentioned in my last post, I'm not anti-iPhone. If Apple fixes the problems which I identified in my previous post, then I would consider buying one. And the reality is that some fixes may come sooner than expected as the FCC seem to be investigating how Apple runs the App Store although to be honest, I don't really see anything happening as a result of FCCs investigation. What is more likely is that competition from other phones with more open systems will eventually force Apple's hand in opening up the App Store (unless Apple somehow uses some form of bogus patent/copyright/govt lobbying etc to stifle competition). Ultimately, when it comes to open vs closed systems, I agree with Techdirt.

So what is the point of this post?

Basically, its to make a prediction. I predict that, within a space of 5 years, the Apple iPhone will lose its dominant status in the market unless one of the issues which I highlighted in my previous post changes. You heard it here first!

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