Saturday, February 4, 2012

Taiwan 2011 - Baby Boss (Part 2)

Some more pictures of the kids at Baby Boss.  In case you were wondering how they managed to get to take part in so many jobs, its worth mentioning that we spent two and a half days there!

Pilot and flight attendant
The pilot and flight attendant jobs were amongst the most popular jobs available at Baby Boss.  Probably understandable considering that this is one of the rare jobs where the parents get to be involved as well.

Basically, one of the parents is actually given a boarding pass and allowed onto the plane.  Once onboard, the flight attendants go through the cabin and pass out magazines to the parents.  As you can imagine, super cute!

Any landing you can walk away from...

The flight attendant and his luggage
Construction worker
Hi Ho, Hi Ho, its off to work we go...

Putting a mosaic onto the wall
Dock Worker
Working the crane on the docks

with the other portion of their time spent directing the actions of the crane operator 
There are actually several chef jobs throughout Baby Boss and we didn't get to go to all of them.  In particular, it was a shame we couldn't get a free ice cream!

Gerry with his sweetcorn pizza (which was apparently very yummy)

Dunkin Donuts

and yes, they were apparently very yummy
Gordon lining up the putt

and doing a pretty good job considering he is just 3 years old!


Anonymous said...

Wow - looks pretty fun for the little ones, but what did you and wifey do for the 2.5 days!?

Jokemeister said...

You mean, other than running around after them taking pictures and shepherding them to the next job and making sure that they queued up properly?

Well, I also spent time queuing up to buy them food.....