Thursday, November 18, 2010

UK plans to legalise racial profiling

Alas, the UK seems hellbent on proving that they have gone mad and are determined to ruin the country. The latest news coming out of Blighty is that London intends to legalise racial profiling.

Wow. Just wow.

For those of you who couldn't be bothered clicking the link, it basically says that police in the UK have stop-and-search powers even when there is no reasonable suspicion. Currently, under those rules, black people are 26 times more likely to be stopped than white people (that isn't a typo - the number 26 pops up several times in the article). Just think about that for a moment - 26 times more likely to be stopped.

And under an environment where this happens, the Home Office intends to allow race to be considered by police in deciding whether to stop someone for a search or not.

Yeah, I have NO idea whatsoever how that could end badly...

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