Thursday, October 15, 2009

Gerry and the school story

The school that Gerry goes to at the moment has quite a fun program where they invite parents to go to the school and read a story to the entire class. The parent can either bring his own storybook or borrow one of the books in the class to read.

Here you can see me sitting in front of a clearly riveted class as they enjoy my masterful story telling skills (honed from years of telling tall tales as a kid!). Bonus points if you can spot Gerry!

addendum - obviously, being a good boy, I didn't tell any tall tales to either my dad or brother. :)

For the story, I decided to take along one of our own storybooks. The book you see here is a pop-up book telling the story of Goldilocks and the three bears. In the picture below, you can see Goldilocks sitting on Baby Bears chair.

The great thing about the pop-up story book is that it actually moves which makes it much more interesting for the kids to watch. In the next picture, you can see that Goldilocks has broken poor Baby Bears chair.

And last of all, just so that Gordon doesn't feel left out, here are some recent pics of Gordon. Look at how happy he looks when daddy kisses him!

Here is a picture of the missus holding Gordon - just to prove that I do sometimes take pictures of them together. Sometimes.


Anonymous said...

Cool. Thats a nice move by the school, getting the parent involved. Did you do it in Chinese or English?

Anonymous said...

Oh, and if in English, do you think they understood your accent? :)

Jokemeister said...


I did it in English. Although its not a full blown international school, it does use English and Mandarin as the teaching medium.

Also, despite growing up in Glasgow, my Scottish accent isn't particularly pronounced (relative to other scots) so they were able to understand me fine. Not really sure why that is to be honest - maybe from watching too much telly as a kid?