Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Trip down home lane

Back in April, before the Heavens opened up and poured a ton of water over Hong Kong, the weather was pretty fine.  We had lots of Sun without it being unbearably hot.  So naturally, we took the opportunity to wander down the mountain road where we live and grab some pictures.

Bananas (no, not you)
There are actually lots of banana trees on the road near our home.  Most of them are still very green but there were clearly some bananas which were ripe as they had been cut from the tree.

Does anyone know what part of the banana tree this is?
In addition to banana trees, there are lots of other types of fauna near our home as well.  Some of them are just the ordinary trees but there were some which had interesting shapes and colours.

This isn't a trick of the light - the tips of these are actually lighter

Didn't see any worms but they are clearly there based on that leaf

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Gordon and the sports day

After several "arty" pictures, it's time to go back to showing pictures of the kids!  Huzzah!!

The event itself is surprisingly big although this shouldn't really be a surprise given that the school now has 4 separate locations.

Lookit all the kids!
As you can expect with a sports event targeted at kids, everyone got a medal.  Gordon was still delighted to get his though.

After the opening ceremony, the kids get to split up and take part in various games and activities.  With the number of kids, a lot of time is actually spent queuing up.

Go push that ..,. thing - yeah!
What is done really well is that many of the games actually let the parents get involved as well.  As you can imagine, the kids love being able to play with daddy and mummy.

That baseball cap falls off about 1 sec later
They even had "proper" sports events such as the long jump.

Picture taken after the long jump - Gordon is happy with his "record"

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Playing around with my camera - May 2015 - Part 2

This was a picture taken in Ma Wan.  We were taking the kids to the Solar Tower camp there and came across this flower on the route.

Ma Wan is a great place for pictures of flowers.  Lots of greenery etc.  There were actually quite a lot of these particular flowers dotted around the place but this was the only one which was standing on its own which made it more convenient to take a photo of.

A loner - just like me. :)

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Playing around with my camera - May 2015

Some more playing around with tiltshift photography.

This is a picture taken from a sports ground.  Again, its amazing how much this looks like a picture of a miniature sports stand.

Da da da da daaaa da