Sunday, March 29, 2015

Lunar New Year 2015 - Fireworks

Part of the reason that we went to a hotel on HK Island was to watch the New Year fireworks.  This year, there were actually less people relative to last year.  This allowed us to get a lot closer to the fireworks which made for an impressive view.


Such pretty colours!


More pretty colours!

A giant plasma ball - in space!

Actually, it's pretty amazing how circular the fireworks exploded

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Lunar New year 2015 - The Peak

More pictures from our Chinese New Year holiday!

While Gordon was sick for most of the holiday, there was one day where he seemed to have broken his fever.  We immediately took the opportunity to head up to the Peak and spend a bit of time sight-seeing and playing in the playground there.

The missus and the mountain

Gordon seems to be enjoying himself

Does whatever a spider can!


Double whee!!
We had initially planned on eating at one of the buffet restaurants at the Peak but as we got close to evening, Gordon's fever started to come back.  Unfortunately, his fever was probably only under control due to the medicine.  What this meant was that we ended up grabbing a quick dinner before heading back to the hotel.

We did get in some dessert though.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Lunar New Year 2015

For Chinese New Year, we took the kids out to a hotel on HK Island.  The plan had been to hit the various tourist traps on HK Island.

Unfortunately, Gordon fell sick with a fever on the second day and we ended up spending most of the time cooped up in the hotel!  On the plus side, the kids managed to get plenty of time to watch TV.

Luckily, we did spend some time outside - including some time at the hotel playground.

Does whatever a spider can!

I think he sees us

Check out my cool shades!

The missus getting in on the action

Woo hoo!

I honestly have no idea what Gordon is doing here

Faster than a speeding bullet!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Laser Tag!

Birthday party!!

Except not for my kids. :)

One of the kids in our estate goes to the same school as Gerry.  Recently, that kid had a birthday party and invited a bunch of friends from both school and the estate to go along.

What was really cool though was that they invited a laser tag company to come up and set up boxes in the clubhouse so that the kids could play laser tag.  As you can imagine, the game was massively popular with the kids and EVERYBODY wanted to play!


Aiming down the barrel

Gordon gets the drop on his brother ...

... and realizes that Gerry doesn't have a clue who is shooting him.

Don't shoot!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Playing around with my camera - March 2015

One last picture of me playing around with my camera.  Back to pictures of the children next week!

This is another picture that wouldn't be possible with my old point and shoot camera.  Unfortunately, it was getting dark by this point so it was hard to get a really good picture.  Nevertheless, the colours on the flowers did come out quite nicely after I put the picture through a little post-processing.

Again, some great focus on the flower with the rest out of focus