Saturday, February 15, 2014

Gerry and the New Year Parade

Chinese New Year in Hong Kong is normally pretty good in terms of its atmosphere.  There is a big new years parade and this year, Hong Kong brought in a lot of people from other countries to bring a multicultural flavour to the parade.

However, what made the parade this year special was that Gerry was in it!

Gerry along with some of his classmates in the drum band


Turning to face the crowd...

... before marching away
fyi - pictures are a little fuzzy as they were taken off the TV.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Gordon and the birthday party

Kung Hei Fat Choy!  Gung xi fa cai!  Happy New Year!

Well, it didn't take me long to break my new years "resolution" to post every week.  With that said, I am Chinese so arguably, it wasn't the new year yet!

Anyway, after the success that we had with Gerry's birthday cake, we decided to do a repeat for Gordon's birthday.

Gordon is now five years old

The birthday boy!

Now officially old enough to help cut the cake

Nom noming on the chocolate smiley
Also, he may be five years old now, but he is still a baby...

awww - so cute