Sunday, February 26, 2012

Teatime in iThai

For a change of pace, we went out for a teatime treat today and ended up in a Thai restaurant.  Not entirely sure why but I decided to see what the camera on my Galaxy SII was capable of.

All in all, pretty decent results considering its just the camera on my phone!

Remnants of a hot kumquat lemon

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Taiwan 2011 - Baby Boss (Part 3)

At last!  We finally reach the conclusion of our recent trip to Taiwan with this last set of pictures!

Join the ranks of the infantry and get a free vacation to foreign lands!

You're in the army ... now

I think Gordon's IFF needs to be reprogrammed
Race car driver
Not racing a real car obviously but rather RC cars.  Unfortunately, the track was a bit too small and the cars a bit too unresponsive which meant that the kids were often frustrated.

They are smiling cos they haven't raced the cars yet...

vroom vroom!!
Not quite sure if Gerry really wanted to be here or if he was talked into it by his mother.  In any event, it was a good opportunity to refresh him on the importance of brushing his teeth.

Son, be a dentist!

Shop of little horrors
By the third day, Gordon was really starting to get tired and by the afternoon, he was no longer interested in queuing up for any more jobs.  Instead, he wandered around the complex helping Baby Boss to keep the place clean and tidy!
The leaning tower of Baby Boss
Wrap up
The time that we spent at Baby Boss was, by far, the most tiring of our trip to Taiwan.  Running around after them, rounding them up so that they queue up for the jobs (and even helping them queue up on the odd occasion), and helping them to queue up for food etc really takes it toll out of you.  It also didn't help that, by the time we got to the end of the day, Gordon was so tired that he fell asleep and we had to carry him back to the hotel.

Despite all this though, the kids had so much fun that I would heartily recommend the place and fully intend to go back.
Grabbing these off the kids before they crinkled them up was a real challenge!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Taiwan 2011 - Baby Boss (Part 2)

Some more pictures of the kids at Baby Boss.  In case you were wondering how they managed to get to take part in so many jobs, its worth mentioning that we spent two and a half days there!

Pilot and flight attendant
The pilot and flight attendant jobs were amongst the most popular jobs available at Baby Boss.  Probably understandable considering that this is one of the rare jobs where the parents get to be involved as well.

Basically, one of the parents is actually given a boarding pass and allowed onto the plane.  Once onboard, the flight attendants go through the cabin and pass out magazines to the parents.  As you can imagine, super cute!

Any landing you can walk away from...

The flight attendant and his luggage
Construction worker
Hi Ho, Hi Ho, its off to work we go...

Putting a mosaic onto the wall
Dock Worker
Working the crane on the docks

with the other portion of their time spent directing the actions of the crane operator 
There are actually several chef jobs throughout Baby Boss and we didn't get to go to all of them.  In particular, it was a shame we couldn't get a free ice cream!

Gerry with his sweetcorn pizza (which was apparently very yummy)

Dunkin Donuts

and yes, they were apparently very yummy
Gordon lining up the putt

and doing a pretty good job considering he is just 3 years old!