Wow - missed two posts this week (my first time!). Got a lot of work to do to catch up! Luckily, I already have a topic to blog about today and tomorrow. Plus, I also have something for my game blog as well! 3 blog posts in 1 weekend followed by another post on Monday - will be a new record for me!
Anyway, I went back to BJ last week. As with all my business trips, I get the company appointed travel agent (Farrington Amex) to book my flights and hotels. Normally, this isn't a problem and things go quite smoothly. Recently, I encountered my first bump in the road.
As with my previous trips to BJ, I stayed in the Beijing Hotel. I arrived there on Wednesday and went to the front desk to check-in. I passed my passport to the nice lady at the front desk and she started to enter my details into their system.
"Excuse me sir, but is this the name you booked under?" she asked me after a couple of minutes.
"Should be", I said, but then quickly added, "but they might have used my english name". Its happened before so it wasn't a complete surprise when she couldn't find my chinese name in their system.
So I wrote down my english name and she checked their system again. After a couple more minutes, with the receptionist alternately entering in my chinese name followed by my english name, she finally gave up and questioned me further.
"I'm sorry sir, your reservation isn't in the system" she said. Okay, not much of a question admittedly but you could call it a plea for help! Maybe...
I considered asking if she was sure my reservation wasn't in the system. However, considering I saw her enter and check my details numerous times, I thought maybe this was a bit too cheeky so instead said, "I see."
Following this great comeback, she just stands there for a moment looking at me expectantly. Not quite sure what to do myself, I asked her if they had any rooms available. "Yes we do sir - would you like a room?" she quickly replied.
"Yes please, for two nights" I said. At least I won't have to sleep in the streets!
"No problem sir," she says cheerily, "the room rate will be RMB2,000." It was actually a little bit over RMB2,000 but I can't remember the exact amount she said as I was in shock at that point. In fact, the polo I was sucking on almost dropped out of my open mouth!
Now granted, I would be claiming any hotel expense I paid. However, as a general rule, I really don't like to feel as if I've been ripped off (who does?). So I ask the receptionist if I could book the room now but confirm the rate tomorrow - by which time I could get Farrington Amex to correct this error.
The receptionist, in her cheery voice, said "Of course sir, no problem. As soon as we hear from the agent, I will change your room rate for tomorrow to your corporate rate." She then smiled at me as if she had done me a big favour.
"What about the rate for tonight then?" I ask.
"Well sir, that will be RMB2,000. But don't worry, we can change your rate for tomorrow to your corporate rate." It took me another 5 minutes of explaining before she understood that I wanted the corporate rate for both nights.
"Oh, I don't know if we can do that sir" she said in a slightly worried tone. At this point, I have had enough and ask to see the manager (I know, I know - I should have done this earlier).
So the receptionist calls the manager over and he spends another 5 minutes checking their system to see if my reservation is in the system (it isn't). He even calls their reservation office to see if they received a reservation but hadn't update the system yet (they hadn't).
Once he confirmed that there was no reservation for me, he once again asked if I would like a room. At this point, I was beginning to get a real case of deja vu. So rather than waste anymore time, I immediately took command of the situation and explained to him what I wanted.
Luckily, the manager had the authority to grant my request and I didn't have to go through the whole process again with a third person. In the end, I was able to get my room and Farrington Amex confirmed with them that I should be on the corporate rate the next day.
In the end, a bit of excitement in my otherwise dreary day. As they say - All's well that ends well.